With over a decade in the security consultancy industry, Gemma Moore has worked across
government, law enforcement, retail, financial, telecommunications and gambling sectors,
delivering infrastructure and application penetration testing, information risk assessment,
due-diligence compliance auditing, network forensic analysis and social engineering
Gemma is an expert in penetration testing and simulated targeted attack. Having been a
CHECK Team Leader since 2007, she holds the highest levels of CREST certifications in
Infrastructure, Applications and Simulated Attack, making her one of the most highly
qualified CREST penetration testers in the UK.
Gemma is a skilled presenter and trainer who is passionate about helping people to
improve their own skills and experience. She delivers training and workshops to industry
professionals, developers, operational teams and end users.
In recognition of her outstanding level of commitment to the technical information security
industry and the highest level of excellence in CREST examinations, Gemma was selected to
receive a lifetime CREST Fellowship award in 2017.