Paul has worked in IT for over a quarter of a century of which sixteen years
have been in a security leadership role. He has worked in many industry sectors
in the UK, US and Europe including financial services, telecommunications,
retail, food and UK critical national infrastructure and is currently the CISO at
Kantar. Paul firmly believes in the importance of building a strong and
supported security culture in business as the foundation for a strong security
posture, changing the perspective of security from something perceptively
done 'to' business to it being done 'with' and 'for', and has had some success
(and some challenges too!) in enacting security transformation from the
ground-up by placing strong onus on connecting the community with the
security practice and vice versa.
When he's not whining about patching, Paul volunteers in the education sector
and is currently a non-executive director at a multi-academy educational trust
in Buckinghamshire; this has proven to be a useful way to engage with the
community and he has spoken on many occasions to both children and parents
about staying safe online whilst embracing and enjoying the exciting world of
digital (whilst promoting the numerous opportunities for a career path in
security of course!).